{{-- extend Layout --}} @extends('layouts.contentLayoutMaster') {{-- page title --}} @section('title','Range Slider') {{-- vendor styles --}} @section('vendor-style') @endsection {{-- page content --}} @section('content')

ion.RangeSlider is Easy, flexible and responsive range slider with skin support.

Basic Demo

Simple start and customising basic params

Start without params

Set Value

Set min value, max value and start point

    min: 100,
    max: 1000,
    from: 550
Specify Range

Set type to double and specify range, also showing grid and adding prefix "$"

    type: "double",
    grid: true,
    min: 0,
    max: 1000,
    from: 200,
    to: 800,
    prefix: "$"
Set up range and step

Set up range with negative values

    type: "double",
    grid: true,
    min: -1000,
    max: 1000,
    from: -500,
    to: 500
Fractional Values

Set up range with fractional values, using fractional step

    type: "double",
    grid: true,
    min: -1000,
    max: 1000,
    from: -500,
    to: 500
With Strings

One more example with strings

    grid: true,
    from: 3,
    values: [
      "January", "February", "March",
      "April", "May", "June",
      "July", "August", "September",
      "October", "November", "December"
@endsection {{-- vendor script --}} @section('vendor-script') @endsection {{-- page scripts --}} @section('page-script') @endsection